Fasgaya – What is the Problem for TDP?

19 MARCH 2018



Centre has said that whether or not AP gets the so-called special status the state won’t lose financially. So what is the problem for TDP?

Is this such a big a national issue as to warrant TDP leaving NDA or to bring a no-confidence motion in the Govt. knowing fully well that it is destined to fail?

The root-cause of TDP stand seems to be other than the so-called special status for AP. When did this issue of no-confidence come up? Not when Arun Jaitely did not mention this in his budget. In fact there was a clear statement from TDP that they won’t leave NDA but only withdrawing two ministers from the Central ministry.

Not when even BJP lost the two by-polls which were hyped so much by the opposition but indeed not as serious as the opposition made it out to be. Earlier when such a thing happened the opposition and the Congress used to demand the resignation of the central Govt. That they did not – none of them- came out with such a demand shows that they would have been perceived silly if they demanded. So even as per opposition this loss was not a serious thing.

Not even when Mamata said she would support a third front with YSR as its leader. But closely after this YSR decided to come out with a no-confidence motion, telling he would support the AP in its ‘just’ demand. Obviously YSR got off balance when he probably got what he would not have dreamt off – the leadership position of the third front – when there are veterans like Sharad Pawar and Chandra Babu Naidu waiting on the wings even not considering the Congress’s old and the young.

Now another question arises: If Chandra babu Naidu keeps quiet, his arch rival, YSR may be considered as the leader of the third front: Obviously he cannot permit this to happen. He may even be considering himself as an alternative to Modi, who knows. To eliminate such a possibility Chandra babu says he would quit the NDA and that his party would move a no-confidence, even though TDP has announced it would move the no-confidence motion earlier. YSR immediately said his party won’t support the no-confidence motion being moved by TDP. In just a day YSR’s support to the ‘just’ cause of AP vanishes! If there is a competition in just bringing a no-confidence motion between YSR and Chandra Babu Naidu, imagine the dimension of the problem on who would be the leader of the third front.

Thus what is obvious the real objective of this so-called no-confidence motion: It is NOT no-confidence against the Modi govt. (particularly when there is no earthy chance of this happening even if all the parties come together against the BJP) but individual personal ambitions i.e., power struggle to head the third front even before it is formed! What kind of a united third front it can be!

Even if the third formed, going by the real intention behind the so-called motion, there would be fights all the way- to seat sharing, number of seats and what constituency, who would be the leader etc.etc. In fact the only thing that binds these in-congruous combination is anti- Modi as he has created enormous trouble for them to continue to exist on corruption money, black money that is held in cash, and non-continuation of such revenues to the party from the states where these parties have lost elecgtions.

GST and Demonetization are the issues that are thrown about as excuses but the common man has shown through several elections that he does not consider these as issues, starting from Gujarat where these were major issues for the Congress to the latest NE elections.

The third front is a non-entity before it is born i.e., it is still-born. And where does Congress stand in this scenario? It is not even considered by the third front as a possible candidate of the third front: May be because whosoever joined hands with the Congress has lost most times. But ultimately given its ill-gotten financial strength it can buy out individuals if not whole parties from the so-called third front as it did in Gujarat. In the process the Congress can weaken the so-called third front and, in the process of doing so, weaken its already non-entity position.

Overall it seems to be a cake-walk for the BJP in 2019! The opposition and the Congress have not understood that if at all they have to have a semblance of a chance in 2019, even to be considered as an opposition, they should quickly have a vision and a mission that can give a counter to BJP’s under Modi’s leadership.

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