Election Results 2014.

16 MAY 2015

Election Results 2014

  I am writing this just as the election 2014 results are coming to an end.

In the last two issues I had pointed out two factors in these elections:

The coming parliamentary elections are different from past elections for many reasons, the most important of which is that the Indian citizen has now become fully aware of his authority and power. He is now a proactive citizen, and he is asserting his rights based on the following truths:

1. The coming parliamentary elections are different from past elections for many reasons, the most important of which is that the Indian citizen has now become fully aware of his authority and power, not just on the election day but for the whole term .

2. It makes sense to vote for a candidate irrespective of which party he / she belongs.

I believe the Indian voter has proved that he has come of age as can be seen by the results of election 2014. I say this because:

The individual candidates who have won are largely clean; the corrupt candidates have been largely ousted: of course in a vast country. Also the candidates who have actually done work for their constituencies have been preferred to those who have forgotten the people of their constituencies as soon as they have won. Of course in a vast country like India there would be exceptions to this rule, but by and large the people have followed this. Add the number of clean and service minded candidates who have won to the number of corrupt, scam- tainted candidates whose focus has been only themselves and their families, who have lost. People have voted looking at candidates irrespective of the party they belong.

Even as it may look that people have voted for a party, they have indeed voted for the leader of the party in mind. It is obvious that it is Narendra Modi as a prime ministerial candidate that won 100% of seats in Gujarat (which has experienced Namo’s work for the people of Gujarat), in Rajasthan, phenomenally high % of seats in MP, UP. the entire and the North East. It is his credibility based on what he has done in Gujarat that all others voted for him and so, his party. People of Gujarat have actually witnessed and experienced what can be done by a leader focused on the people can do for them.

Similarly Jayalalitha, chief minister of Tamil Nadu, also focused on the people of the state could get 35 out of 39 seats for her party. People do want leaders focused on people and they have started voting only for such leaders and so their parties.

This is a significant change and a turning point in the way the Indian voter casts his vote. Once started, this will continue as people would come to know the good effects of going by the candidate and the trust on the leader’s capability and intention to do serve them.

Secularism, inclusion, corruption etc. in talk and their opposites in action have been shown the door by the Indian voter. Truly this victory belongs to the Indian voter and the tribute to the maturity of the world’s largest democracy.

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