Why don’t the Press and the Media evaluate their own performance?

30 NOV 2015

Passion of Press and the Media

   My idea is not to indulge in Media bashing and oppose them for opposition sake, like politicians do and the Media itself do. My despair is because of the difference between the positive role they can play in helping and facilitating what is good for the people of this Nation and the role they are currently playing, irrespective of what any political party is saying or a so-called great leader is saying.

When there is an attack by any one on anything that is happening, the Press should present both the views about what is happening. This many of them are already doing. But what is missing is the lack of assessment by the media of the probability that one view may work out for the benefit of the people than the other view. They think they are neutral only if they give equal probability to both the opposing views. This is being neutral of course but negatively. Instead they have to assess the probability that one view succeeds in giving benefit to the people against the other view, have guts to promote whatever has better chances or probability of giving more advantage- long term, intangible- to the people, irrespective of what any political party is saying or so-called leaders are saying, through the powerful media that they have. This is grossly missing today.

I can already hear some murmur among the Press and the Media that they are already doing this – more in self defense and an assumption of self righteousness. That is why I suggest the following self assessment rather than facing a criticism by people like me and come to their own conclusion as the role they are playing, whether it is positive for the people of this Nation or negative.

They can objectively ask themselves in a group within their own organization what good happened to the people of this Nation because of them, by churning out specific examples of what happened rather than being vague and ambiguous.

Then they can objectively ask themselves in a group within their own organization what happened whether or not they played any worthy role and lastly they can objectively ask themselves in a group within their own organization what good happened to the people in spite of them.

They can objectively ask themselves in a group within their own organization what good happened to the people of this Nation because of them, by churning out specific examples of what happened rather than being vague and ambiguous.

The Indian media and the press have failed miserably to play the positive role they could have played in building India.

After all what do common people expect the Media and Press to do? Protecting people from politicians who divide and rule for getting votes and act as a fortress against manipulating and twisting the minds of people against their interests. In the process the Press and the Media would become famous – indeed world-famous. Is it asking for too much?

One affected indian Bakra/bakri in the service of the people of India.

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