Fasgaya – What is right and what is wrong?

16 FEBRUARY 2018



In the current situation in the country many common citizens are wondering what is right and what is wrong.

This is understandable because the country has witnessed a number of major changes -may be for the first time in its history after independence-and the daily confusion that is infused into the minds of the people by politicians and by the media:

Was Renuka Choudhuri right in laughing aloud on Modi’s statement of a fact in Parliament or PM was right in replying to that laughter?

Is congress’s claim of the economic situation, denigration of women citing PM’s reply to Renuka, farmers being neglected, absence of job creation for the youth at the adequate rate is right or BJP’s claim of what is happening in the country in all these dimensions right?

Is ex-judge Katju, who gave an interview to a TV channel where he was recommending revolution as the only solution to effect a change in this country, right or wrong?

Is stone-pelting in J&K right or wrong?

Is flash strike across the border right or wrong?

Is Pak’s training terrorists and exporting them to Afghanistan and India right or wrong?

Is giving a fitting reply to every attempt of Pak pushing in terrorists across LOC right or wrong?

Is talking to Pak the right policy for resolving the J&K crisis right, or hitting hard policy right or indulging in both simultaneously?

Are the arguments of the Congress against the Government right or wrong?

How to judge in a debate in any TV channel what is said is right or wrong by anyone participating?

I hear you telling: Tell me which side of the fence you are in, then only I can decide what is right and what is wrong?

Do right and wrong depend on the side in which you are sitting or the party to which you belong? Or is there anything like absolute right and absolute wrong in any situation so that anything can be classified as right or wrong without questioning the side of the fence you are in? After all such questions do not arise in the field of science alone, in which case arriving at right and wrong is straightforward. Is truth always right and lie always wrong? Is there a generic definition of right and wrong by which we can identify the right from the wrong in any given situation without looking at what side we are in?

Unless we have a proper, generic, unbiased definition for right and wrong it is difficult to gauge whether in a given situation what is right and what is wrong. What is wrong in one situation may be right in another and vice-versa.

We attempted to arrive at a methodology that would work in any situation without bias getting in.

In complicated questions such as this, there could be hints taken from our ancient epics of India. For example, Krishna’s getting Bhishma out of line in the Mahabharatha war, his getting Drona out the way he did by making Dharmaputra (who has not told a lie till that time in his entire life) tell a lie, removing Karna violating a rule of Dharma yuddha and signalling Bhim to hit Duryodhana below the belt and eliminate him, all these are right or wrong?

We have arrived at a thinking process in sequential steps that will resolve this problem most of the time and we share it here:

Step1: Identify the role the person who says or does is in.

Step 2: Identify what should be the correct receiving system of what ever role the person is playing. Immediately also identify what should not be the receiving system for this role. Remember both these should be based only on the role the person is playing and not on the person himself/herself.

As a check on step 2, check whether the correct receiving system you arrive at is more powerful than the wrong receiving system you have chosen. Because of this important criterion we call the right receiving systems Super Systems.

For example taking the above cases:

Renuka is in the role of the opposition and the ultimate receiving system for the opposition should be the people whom they are representing. The receiving system should not be the ruling party or own party!

Similarly the role of the congress party is that of the opposition and the receiving system is again the people it represents and not the ruling party the BJP or just one or two men within BJP. Similarly BJP is the ruling party and its receiving system should also be the people who have voted them to power and not the opposition party. In both the cases the receiving party should not be the opposition party!

For ex-judge Katju, who gave an interview to a TV channel where he was recommending revolution as the only solution to effect a change in this country, the receiving system should be the people of this country, the receiving system should not be himself.

For stone pelters of J& K, the receiving system should be the innocent people of Kashmir and not the military or the police.

For the Indian army the receiving system is the safety of the borders of our motherland and not the politicians of the country, however powerful.

For Pak that is training terrorists and exporting them to Afghanisthan and India, the receiving system should again be the people of the two neighbouring countries, the innocent children, women and men and, more importantly its own people; it should not be the ego-satisfaction of the ruling clique only.

Army’s giving a fitting reply to every attempt of Pak pushing in terrorists across LOC, the receiving system is the people of J&K and not itself.

For J&K’s protagonists of talks with Pak, the receiving system should be their own people and not any fixed method that has been followed for decades i.e., the receiving system should not be the Congress party or own parties.

For the arguments of the Congress against the Government, the receiving system should be the people of India and not the Congress party itself (for example, the thought that how well they are not permitting the parliament to function!).

In a debate the receiving system should be the system which receives the impact and the quality of impact that is debated - the listeners. The receiving system should not be the one who guides the debate himself / herself or the channel or the party the channel may represent, openly or slyly!

Is talking to Pak the right policy for resolving the J&K crisis right, or hitting hard policy right or doing both simultaneously? Here the correct receiving system should be the security of the country and its people and not self, own party or the opposition party.

Step 3: Now take up what one says about one of the above say the last one – the J&K policy. Find what worst can happen and what best can happen to the correct receiving system, applying the various options to resolve/reduce the issue, taking one option at a time. Do not exclude any option proposed by any one. Now let us apply this to this case: policy of J&K.

For those who say only hitting back is the right method: The best that can happen is:

The Super System namely the majority of the people of J&K and the people of India get a feeling we are strong and not cowards to take such terrorist acts lying down, thus both get a +. Another thing that can happen to this Super System is that the ruling clique of Pak gets a well -deserved – (unfortunately some of the people of Pak also get a – as they think that India is troubling them ) as they will realize that the decades old policy with their neighbours namely the policy of manufacturing and exporting terrorism is not working any more as smoothly as it was working for decades. Overall, the majority of people of J&K and India are getting a plus as they feel that their Govt. and the army will act to protect them from the menace of terrorism.

For those who say “indulge only in peace-talks with Pakistan”

The Super System namely the people of J&K and the people of India both get a big minus as they get a feeling we are cowards to take such terrorist acts lying down and have been cowards and are helpless for decades against Pak. The worst that can happen is that Pak’s ruling clique and its protagonists in J&K may feel that India has no answer to their clever tactic of terrorism and they would continue with it with added vigour in future too. Pak’s ruling clique gets an added vigour to continue the decades old policy of manufacturing and exporting terror and use it as a tool for settling of disputes with its neighbours. The worst that can happen is also Pak’s people may get a massive minus when these terrorists trained by Pak. turn against Pak. Itself and post a threat to not just Pak’s neighbours but to Pak. Itself. And also to all its neighbours. This is not just imagination but it is happening already. Pak passes this off to the world that Pak is facing threat of terrorism!

For those who say do both simultaneously:  

This combines the best and the worst of both the above options. Let us list them:

The majority of the people of J&K and the people of India get a feeling we are strong and not cowards to take such terrorist acts lying down, thus both get a +.

The ruling clique of Pak get a well -deserved minus (unfortunately some of the people of Pak also get a – as they think that India is troubling them ) as both the ruling clique and the people of Pak will realize that the decades old policy with their neighbours namely the policy of manufacturing and exporting terrorism is not working any more as smoothly as it was working for decades.

Overall, the majority of people of J&K and India are getting a plus as they feel that their Govt. and the army will act to protect them from the menace of terrorism.

The people of J&K and the people of India both get a big minus as they get a feeling we are cowards to take such terrorist acts lying down and have been cowards and are helpless for decades against Pak.

Pak’s ruling clique and its protagonists in J&K may feel that India has no answer to their clever tactic of terrorism and they would continue with it with added vigour in future too. Pak’s ruling clique gets an added vigour to continue the decades old policy of manufacturing and exporting terror and use it as a tool for settling of disputes with its neighbours. The worst that can happen is also Pak’s people may get a massive minus when these terrorists trained by Pak. turn against not just its neighbours as planned by Pak. but against Pak itself. And to all its neighbours. This is not just imagination but it is happening already. Pak passes this off to the world that Pak is facing threat of terrorism.

Now reading all the three options and the best and the worst in each of the three options, what you will choose? This choice is what we call the right choice and the remaining two the wrong choices. This choice is based on what happens to the receiving system of your decision and action rather than to any other system. The method goes by the receiving system of the role you are in and not on anything else. It eliminates the “I” factor from the decision making and action and shifts the focus to what happens to the receiving system of your decision and action. It at once makes the situation an issue – based one from an individual or person or personality - based one and thus makes it objective and unbiassed rather than subjective and highly biased.

In the above example you would have arrived at the right decision whether you are sitting in opposition or in the Govt.

We call this method of deciding right and wrong as the quest way and have used it for over 35 years in tough management decisions and actions. We can tell you it works not only in official situations but also in personal and family situations. We call it the quest way after the name of our enterprise. Our website is accordingly named www.thequestway.in

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