What is Right and What is Wrong?– Article 4.

22 MAY 2023


In the last article, we found a way of defining right and wrong, in a non- opinionated, unbiassed way:

Those of our thoughts, expressions, decisions, and actions that give + to the receiving system SS1 for the role we are in, are virtuous and right and those of our thoughts, expressions, decisions, and actions that give minus to the super system SS1 for the role we are in are non-virtuous, and wrong.

Now suppose we indulge in, using our free-will, decisions, expressions and actions that not only gives minus to the receiving system SS1 but simultaneously give + to ourselves (which is what “I” as the SS1 people attempt to do in every transaction they indulge in), it is doubly harmful to us. The people who do both are normally people who have a serious emotional security issue, think that nobody in the world is there to take care of them and only they must ensure their safety and survival. To ensure this, they indulge in manipulative actions that involve creating imaginary situations through a bundle of lies that in reality do not exist. We should be beware of such “smart” people around us and at least cross-check whatever they tell us; we should not assume whatever they say is true. Let us remember that such people are great actors, and it will be difficult for us to perceive what they are telling us are utter, malicious lies. This trusting comes naturally to people who do not take ‘I’ as SS1; that is why, such people should not fail to cross check and even double check what they are being told.

When the return is going to be equal and opposite, as per the inviolable energy law of Karma, why are we worried about what will happen to us when we give unconditional plus to the receiving system SS1, even if it may mean a short- term temporary minus to “I or self”? Why we do not simply give + to the receiving system SS1 of whatever role we are in, without even thinking about whether we get a + or minus? Why are we not comfortable in the thought that the return + has no option except to come back to us as this is based on the third law of Newton or the law of Karma – an inviolable energy law? People who understand this are always virtuous and are therefore happy for ever, irrespective of any situation or role they face, or called upon to perform or even any result that comes because of their decision or action.

In official situations, the receiving system SS1 is the external customer, customer is God and the return from God is ‘prasad’ (blessing). Accept it whether it is what you had desired or even the opposite of what you had desired: This is the attitude of people who know how to be happy always, irrespective of the situation they currently face in life or the result they get because of their decisions and actions.

With this understanding, practicing virtuous thoughts, decisions and actions is not such a selfless or difficult thing as it is thought out to be. It is a pleasure to be virtuous! If our focus is on the receiving system SS1 of the role we are in, whatever we do to give + to SS1 is virtuous and good. If on the other hand, we get stuck to something as good and the opposite as bad, and do whatever we consider as good, if the SS1 gets a minus because of that good thing we did, that good thing is not virtuous and is indeed bad. If we remove the receiving system from our consideration when we perform a role, it becomes difficult to follow the laid down “good” now-a-days. But if we have the receiving or the correct Super System in focus in whatever role we do, we can follow the laid down good or even its opposite, as our aim is not to follow what is laid down but to give + to SS1. That is why I said it is not difficult to be virtuous and good but rather easy and enjoyable to be virtuous and good.

Means and Ends:

What is right means and what is wrong means? There is a high degree of confusion about this in the twenty-first century. People are not prepared to go by what our previous generations thought was right and wrong. They argue that times have changed, and the old sense of values do not hold water anymore. What prevails currently is the thought that any means to achieve the end you desire is o.k.

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