Especially for SME’s – 32: Time – SS to results flow diagram.

23 March 2022


SME 1: What you are telling us the SS we choose in any role will absorb a lot of our time- our thinking, talking and doing time - and therefore results will be experienced by us only in that area.

Mr. Lowe: Exactly! It happens like this: Time is a slave to our mind which in turn is controlled by the Super system16 we put in our mind. Any role we do consists of tasks or activities. These activities when completed results in something that the SS receives as all these actions are focused on the SS that we have put in our mind for that role. The SS in our mind pre-decides what SS should receive the results of our actions in a role. These results can be +ve or -ve. As only the SS we put in our mind is the only focus in that role, the results +ve or -ve are received only the SS in our mind.

We can select the SS that we put in our mind by our free will but once we have selected, the following chart shows how the SS we have put in our mind decides the result and nothing else. We are free to choose the SS that we put in our mind but all the rest of the things in this chart are then automatic and outside our control, right up to and including the result.



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